The Market Research Temp

To supplement my income, I took on some evening shifts at a market research company. Yes, I was the one who called you during your dinner time to ask your considered opinions on the durability and strength of your current toilet paper. The cohort of…

The Cosmetology Temp

Mercury is in retrograde and Mars has been up Uranus for months. Nothing has gone right. I couldn’t outrun the PowerPoint presentation or the mounting debt. My relationship of equals with the seemingly lovely Hamish had disintegrated to tenants-in-common. And when I couldn’t keep up…

Rah Rah Recruiters

I wanted to get ahead of the dot point on the PowerPoint so I scheduled interviews with high end recruiters as soon as the mascara stained tears washed off my face. Round One Female Recruiter:            Immaculately groomed 22 year old, sporting more colours in her…

The PowerPoint Presentation

This is Law and Order………….. In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two distinct, yet equally important groups. The police who investigate the crimes and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. And this is me………….. In the…